NOREN (Possessive Genitive) 2
Whose umbrella?
The NOREN (Possessive Genitive) Case
Plural definite
Ending: -en
Examples: EtxeEN - the houses',MutilEN - boys'
MutilEN liburua gorria da.: The boys' book is red.
NeskEN liburuak gorriak dira.: The girls' books are red.
Note that if the subject ends in an "-a", you drop the "a" and and an "en" : neskEN.
Vocabulary NOREN (Possessive Genitive) Case 2
- lagunen: friends', of the friends
- medikuen: doctors', of the doctors
- erizainen: nurses',of the nurses
- arrotzen: strangers',of the strangers
- camareroen: waiters', of the waiters
- mutilen: boys',of the boys
- nesken: girls', of the girls
- sukaldarien: cooks', chefs', of the cooks, of the chefs
- turistaren: tourists', of the tourists